Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy Information

Barbara Smith – support information for Developmental Disabilities, Pediatrics, Hippotherapy, Geriatrics, Fun and Games, Resources

Barbara Sher – an occupational therapist for over 40 years is the author of ten books. She believes in using children’s natural love of play to enhance key skills and promote inclusion. Her books include Early Intervention games, Self-Esteem games, Attention games and Spirit games.This is one of my favourite books – Extraordinary Play With Ordinary Things: Make-It-Yourself, Do-It-Yourself Activities That Encourage Your Child’s Development with recycled materials you  have at home ie, newspapers, egg cartons, milk containers etc


Develop Occupational Therapy – is an Adelaide based occupational therapy practice that aims to support children, youth, and young adults who have functional difficulties that impact on their ability to participate in their daily activities.  These difficulties may be due to developmental delays or disorders, identified disabilities (e.g. cerebral palsy, autism) or injury ( e.g. hand injury, acquired brain injury).

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